Insufficient Cooling "Quick Check" Procedure
Perform the following "hand-feel" procedure to get a quick idea of whether the A/C system has the proper charge of Refrigerant-134a. The air temperature must be above 21 °C (70 °F) for most models.1. Warm up engine. Run the engine at idle.
2. Open the hood and all the doors.
3. Turn the A/C switch ON.
4. Turn the temperature control knob to full cold.
5. Turn the blower speed to setting 4.
6. "Hand-feel" the temperature of the evaporator outlet pipe. The pipe should be cold.
7. Check for other problems. Refer to "Testing the Refrigerant System".
8. Leak check the system. Refer to "Leak Testing the Refrigerant System". If you find a leak, discharge the system and repair the leak, as required. After completing the repair, evacuate and charge the system.
9. If there is no leak, refer to "Insufficient Cooling Diagnosis".