Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



Tools Required
KM-520 Remover/Installer
KM-525 Installer
J-22888-20-A Bearing Puller with J-22888-35 Puller Legs
KM-522 Installer

Disassembly Procedure

1. Remove the differential cover bolts, the differential cover, and the differential cover gasket.

2. Remove the bearing-adjusting ring retainer plate bolt and the bearing-adjusting ring retainer plate.

3. Remove the bearing-adjusting ring using the remover/installer KM-520.

4. Remove the right-side bearing-retainer bolts and the right-side bearing retainer.

5. Remove the differential assembly from the transaxle case.

6. Remove the ring gear bolts.

7. Separate the ring gear from the differential housing.

8. Drive the pinion gear shaft lock pin from the differential housing and the pinion gear shaft.

9. Remove the pinion gear shaft.
10. Remove the pinion gears and the washers.

11. Remove the side gears and the side thrust washers.

12. Remove both of the differential bearings using the bearing puller J-22888-20-A with the puller legs J-22888-35.

13. Remove the speedometer drive gear from the differential gear housing.

Assembly Procedure

1. Install the speedometer drive gear onto the differential gear housing using the installer KM-525.

2. Install both of the differential bearings using the installer KM-522.

3. Install the side gears and the side thrust washers into the differential housing.
4. Install the differential pinion gears and the differential pinion gear washers into the differential housing.

5. Install the pinion gear shaft into the differential housing.

6. Install the pinion gear shaft lock pin into the differential housing and the pinion gear shaft.

7. Install the ring gear and the ring-gear bolts.
Tighten the ring-gear bolts to 70 Nm (52 ft. lbs.).

8. Install the differential assembly into the transaxle case.

9. Install the right-side bearing retainer and the rightside bearing retainer bolts.
Tighten the right-side bearing retainer bolts to 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
10. Install the bearing-adjusting ring.

11. Tighten the bearing-adjusting ring using the remover/installer KM-520.
Tighten the bearing adjusting ring until there is no end play with the differential.
Adjust the preload on the differential bearings.
Used Bearings:
1 Nm (9 inch lbs.) required to rotate the differential one revolution per second.
New Bearings:
2 Nm (18 inch lbs.) required to rotate the differential one revolution per second.
Tighten or loosen the bearing ring adjuster to get the required preload on the bearings.

12. Install the bearing-adjusting ring-retainer plate and the bearing-adjusting ring-retainer plate bolt.
Tighten the bearing-adjusting ring-retainer plate bolt to 25 Nm (18 inch lbs.).

13. Install the differential cover gasket, the differential cover, and the differential cover bolts.
Tighten the differential cover bolts to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).