ABS Indicator Lamp Inoperative
Circuit Description
Battery voltage is supplied to the ABS warning lamp with the ignition switch in the ON or START positions. The warning lamp can be activated only by the ABS control module internally supplying ground to terminal 20 or by the shorting bar in the ABS module connector when it is disconnected from the module.
This procedure checks for a problem in the wiring, a faulty ground, a voltage supply problem, a burned out indicator lamp, or a contact problem in a connector.
- A fuse has blown.
- The indicator lamp has burned out.
- There is a corroded or broken connector terminal.
- There is a faulty ground connection.
- There is a broken wire in a wiring harness.
- The EBCM is faulty.
Test Description
The number(s) below refer to step(s) on the diagnostic table.
1. This test checks for any DTCs that may cause the ABS indicator lamp to be inoperative.
2. This test verifies an inoperative lamp condition.
3. This test checks for voltage on the lamp circuit.
4. This begins a series of tests of the circuit from the indicator lamp to the EBCM and ground.
19. This begins a series of tests of the voltage supply circuits that power the indicator lamp.
ABS Indicator Lamp Inoperative