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Valve Body: Service and Repair

Removal Procedure

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Raise and support the vehicle.
3. Drain the transaxle fluid.
4. Remove the engine under cover.

5. Remove the nut and bolt from the transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor protector bracket, then remove the bracket.

6. Disconnect the fluid cooler pipes at the valve body cover and allow the fluid to drain, then position the pipes aside.

7. Remove the eight bolts from the valve body cover, then remove the cover.

8. Disconnect the four electrical connectors from valve body solenoids.

9. Remove the two suction cover retaining bolts and the suction cover.

Caution: Use care not to damage the manual valve connecting rod or the lever.

10. Loosen the seven valve body retaining bolts and remove six of the bolts. Support the valve body and remove the seventh bolt. Continue to support the valve body and carefully disconnect the manual valve connecting rod from the lever. Remove the valve body.

11. Remove and discard the two valve body apply seals.

Installation Procedure

Notice: Lubricate the valve body apply seals with TOTAL FLUID HX.

1. Install two new valve body apply seals.

Caution: Use care not to damage the manual valve connecting rod or the lever.

2. Support and position the valve body onto the transaxle case. While supporting the valve body, carefully connect the manual valve connecting rod to the lever and install one of the valve body bolts hand tight. Install the remaining six valve body retaining bolts hand tight.

3. Install the suction cover and suction cover retaining bolts hand tight.
- Tighten the valve body and suction cover retaining bolts to 53 - 62 inch lbs. (6 - 7 Nm).

4. Connect the four valve body solenoid electrical connectors.

Notice: Remove the old gasket material from the valve body cover and mating surface of transaxle.

5. Apply a bead of silicone sealant on the valve body cover.

6. Install the valve body cover and the eight bolts.
- Tighten the valve body cover bolts to 15 - 22 ft. lbs. (20 - 30 Nm).

7. Connect the fluid cooler pipes at the valve body cover.
- Tighten the fluid cooler pipe bolts to 15 - 22 ft. lbs. (20 - 29 Nm).

8. Position the transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor protector bracket, then install the nut and bolt.
- Tighten the TFT sensor protector bracket nut and bolt to 15 - 22 ft. lbs. (20 - 29 Nm).

9. Install the engine under cover.
10. Lower the vehicle.
11. Connect the negative battery cable.
12. Fill the transaxle with fluid.