Ignition System Starting Test
Fig. 1 Special coil negative to ground jumper wire:
1. Using a suitable voltmeter, measure and record battery voltage. Battery specific gravity must be at least 1.220 temperature corrected to operate the cranking and ignition system properly.
2. Turn ignition ``On,'' then remove coil secondary lead from distributor cap. Using a special jumper wire as shown in Fig. 1, momentarily ground distributor negative terminal while holding coil secondary lead 1/4 inch from good ground.
3. If a spark occurs, it must be constant and bright blue in color. If spark is proper color and constant, continue to momentarily ground coil negative with special jumper wire, Fig. 1, while slowly moving coil wire away from ground. If arcing occurs at the coil tower, replace coil. If the spark is weak or inconsistent or no spark at all, proceed to ``Failure To Start Test.'' If spark is satisfactory, the ignition system is producing the proper secondary voltage. Inspect the cap, rotor, wires and plugs. If satisfactory, it will be necessary to check the fuel system and engine mechanical components.