Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Crankshaft Position Sensor: Service and Repair


Ignition Rotor Removal And Installation:

1. Disconnect negative battery terminal, disconnect distributor lead wire at the wiring harness connector.
2. Release distributor cap retainers and lift the distributor cap off.
3. Scribe a mark on the edge of the distributor housing to indicate the position of the rotor. Use the mark as a reference when reinstalling the distributor.
4. Remove the distributor hold down bolt and clamp, and carefully lift the distributor out of the engine.


1. Clean the top of the cylinder block to insure a good seal between the distributor base and block. If the engine has not been cranked with distributor removed, proceed with step 2. If the engine has been cranked with the distributor removed proceed to step 3.
2. Position the distributor into the engine. Make sure the O-ring seal is in place on the distributor housing. Align the rotor with the mark previously scribed on the distributor housing. Engage the tongue of the distributor shaft with the slot in the distributor oil pump drive gear. Proceed to step 4.
3. If engine has been cranked with distributor removed perform the following:
a. Rotate the crankshaft until number one piston is at the top of its compression stroke. The mark on the crankshaft vibration damper should be in line with the "0" TDC mark on the timing chain case cover.
b. Rotate the distributor rotor until it is positioned pointing at the number one distributor cap terminal.
c. Lower the distributor into the engine, making sure the O-ring seal is in place. Engage tongue of distributor shaft with slot in the distributor oil pump drive gear.
4. Install the distributor hold down clamp and screw and tighten finger tight. Install distributor cap and wires, making sure all high tension wires are firmly secured in cap towers.
5. Connect pick-up leads and negative battery cable lead. Set ignition timing, refer to ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES for timing adjustment.