Some 1989 and 1990 A-604 Ultradrive Transaxles may exhibit one or more of the following symptoms:^ No reverse.
^ No 3rd or 4th gear.
^ Slips during a 2-3 upshift. These symptoms may be the result of a cut input clutch hub or overdrive/reverse (OD,/REV) piston outer lip seals, a loose or missing 0D/REV piston orifice, or excessive OD/REV piston casting thickness.
^ Transaxle shift bump ("Stop Bump") after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. The bump condition feels similar to a harsh shift engagement and is most likely to occur after the transaxle has warmed up. This symptom may be the result of a poor finish on the low/reverse clutch piston retainer.
When performing diagnostic or a reconditioning operation on the A-604 Transaxle, the following items must be performed to ensure you have correctly diagnosed and repaired the transaxle.