Partial A/C System Charge
Fig. 16 A/C System Charging:
1. Attach manifold gauge set.
2. Open windows of the passenger compartment and set air conditioning controls to A/C, RECIRC and low blower speed.
3. Start engine and allow it to reach normal operating temperature.
4. If compressor clutch does not engage, disconnect low pressure cutoff switch and place a jumper wire across the terminals in the connector boot. If the compressor still does not engage, a problem exists in the clutch feed circuit. Repair circuit as necessary.
5. Run engine at 1400 RPM.
6. Charge system through suction side of air conditioning system with enough refrigerant to clear sight glass of bubbles.
7. When the sight glass clears, note weight of refrigerant supply drum or level in charging cylinder, then add an additional 12 oz. of refrigerant to system.
8. Remove jumper wire from low pressure cutoff switch boot, then connect boot to switch.
9. Test overall performance of air conditioning system as described under Performance Test. A/C Performance Testing
10. Close all valves on charging equipment, then disconnect hoses from service ports.
11. Install service port protective caps.