Electronic Brake Control Module: Description and Operation
All phases of anti-lock mode brake operation are monitored and controlled by the electronic module (EBCM). The module operates independently from other electrical circuits in the vehicle.
Anti-Lock Electronic Control Module:
EBCM input/output circuits include the system hydraulic valve, indicator lamps, and the speed sensor. Speed sensor inputs are continuously monitored and interpreted by the module. The module determines wheel speed and rate of deceleration from these inputs and activates the appropriate solenoid in the hydraulic valve when necessary.
The module performs system diagnostic checks and contains a self test program. The program is activated when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position. In this mode, the module checks indicator light operation, the system electrical circuits and the pressure limiting valve solenoids.
The brake warning and anti-lock indicator lamps are illuminated for approximately two seconds during the system self test cycle.