Overrunning Clutch Assembly
1. Examine bolt holes in overrunning clutch cam. Note that one hole is not threaded. This hole must align with blank area in clutch cam bolt circle.
2. Mark location of non threaded hole in clutch cam and blank area of case with paint stripe.
3. Align and install overrunning clutch cam in case. Be sure cam is correctly installed. Bolt holes in cam are slightly countersunk on one side. This side of cam faces rearward (toward rear support).
4. Partially install overrunning clutch in cam.
5. Verify that non threaded hole in clutch cam is properly aligned. Check alignment by threading a clutch cam bolt into each hole. Adjust cam position if necessary before proceeding.
6. Seat overrunning clutch in clutch cam after verifying correct cam alignment.
7. Install overrunning clutch cam bolts. Clutch cam bolts are shorter than rear support bolts. Tighten cam bolts to 17 Nm (150 inch lbs. or 13 ft. lbs.) torque.
8. Lubricate overrunning clutch rollers, springs and cam with MOPAR ATF+4 transmission fluid.