Engine Does Not Rev Up
CAUSE ACTIONImproper fuel Drain fuel tank, flush system, Fill with proper fuel, change filter
Fuel transfer pump defective Test and repair as necessary.
Empty fuel tank or fuel tank vent blocked Fill tank, bleed system, check tank vent
Control lever not going to full throttle Adjust throttle linkage
Air in fuel system Bleed fuel system
Intercooler internally blocked or leaking Check pressure drop across intercooler. If pressure drop is more than 4 in. Hg, clean or replace as necessary
Clogged fuel filter Replace fuel filter
Fuel shutdown solenoid out of adjustment Adjust as necessary
Restricted or blocked fuel supply lines Remove restrictions or replace lines
Wax buildup in fuel Filter (cold weather Inspect fuel heater electrical
only) connector for damage. Replace fuel filter, use recommended diesel fuel.
Incorrect injection pump timing Adjust injection pump timing
Low or uneven engine compression Repair as necessary
Fuel injection pump malfunction or Replace injection pump
not adjustable