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Mainshaft Disassembly

NOTE: Not all of the mainshaft gear and synchro components are a one-way fit. Some gear and synchro components can be installed backwards. To avoid reassembly problems, mark the gear gears, clutch gears, synchro hubs, and sleeves for reference during teardown. Use paint or a scriber for marking purposes. Then stack the gear-train parts in order of: removal. This practice will help avoid incorrect assembly and lost time.

1. Remove drive gear thrust bearing from end of mainshaft, if not previously removed.

Third Gear, Stop Ring, And 3-4 Hub Removal:

2. Remove 3-4 synchro hub, third gear stop ring and third gear as an assembly. It is not necessary to disassemble the synchronizer components unless worn or damaged.

Third Gear Needle Bearing Removal:

3. Remove third gear bearing from mainshaft.

Bearing Spacer And Snap Ring Location:

4. Remove third gear bearing spacer.
5. Remove snap ring that retains second gear thrust washer on mainshaft.

Second Gear Thrust Washer Removal:

6. Remove second gear thrust washer. Note that washer is notched for locating pin.

Thrust Washer Locating Pin Removal:

7. Remove thrust washer locating pin. Use needle nose pliers to grip and remove pin.

Second Gear Removal:

8. Remove second gear.

Second Gear Bearing Removal:

9. Remove second gear bearing.

Removing Second Gear Clutch Conesnap Ring:

10. Remove snap ring that retains second gear clutch cone. Snap ring is seated in mainshaft synchro hub groove.

Second Gear Clutch Cone, Clutch Ring, And Stop Ring Removal:

11. Remove second gear clutch cone, synchro clutch ring and synchro stop ring.

Removing 1-2 Sleeve And Hub Snap Ring:

12. Remove 1-2 synchro hub snap ring.

Removing 1-2 Synchro Sleeve And Hub:

13. Remove 1-2 synchro sleeve, hub, struts and springs as an assembly. Note that tapered side of sleeve also goes toward front. It is not necessary to disassemble synchro components unless worn, or damaged.

First Gear Stop And Clutch Ring Removal:

14. Remove first gear synchro stop ring and clutch ring.

First Gear Clutch Gear Front Snap Ring Removal:

15. Remove first gear clutch cone front snap ring from mainshaft hub.

First Gear Clutch Gear Removal:

16. Remove first gear clutch cone.
17. Remove first gear clutch gear rear snap ring from mainshaft hub. It is not really necessary to remove this snap ring unless it, or the mainshaft is to be replaced.

Reverse Gear Thrust Washer Removal:

18. Remove reverse gear thrust washer.

Reverse Gear, Bearing, And Stop Ring Removal:

19. Remove reverse gear and synchro components as assembly. It is not necessary to remove or disassemble synchro components unless they are damaged and need to be replaced. If synchro sleeve or struts require service, mark position of sleeve on hub before removal. Correct sleeve position is important as sleeve can be installed backwards causing shift problems.
20. Remove reverse gear bearing assembly from mainshaft.

Reverse Gear Bearing Spacer And First Gear Snap Ring Removal:

21. Remove reverse gear bearing spacer from mainshaft.
22. Remove reverse clutch gear snap ring. Tension of this snap ring is considerable. Heavy duty snap ring pliers will be required to spread the ring far enough to remove it.

Removing Reverse Clutch Gear:

23. Remove reverse clutch gear.

Removing First Gear:

24. Remove first gear from bearing and mainshaft.

Removing First Gear Bearing:

25. Remove first gear bearing from mainshaft.