Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Tail Lamps and Rear License Plate Lamps

- If the vehicle is equipped with factory installed fog lamps, circuit L7 splices to feed the fog lamp #1 relay
- If the vehicle is equipped with factory installed trailer tow, circuit L7 splices to the trailer tow harness
- Check fuse 1, a 40 amp, in the PDC
- Check fuse 18, a 15 amp, in the fuse block
- Circuit L7 also feeds the radio, if equipped
- When the headlamp switch is in the PARK or ON position, the dimmer circuit, F33, also connects to circuit E1. Circuit E1 feeds circuit E2, which powers the ash receiver lamp, instrument cluster illumination lamps, under hood lamp, glove box lamp and radio lamp. Fuse 13 in the fuse block protects circuits E1 and E2