Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Do not mix brake self adjuster components. Left adjuster screw assembly has a righthand thread. Right adjuster screw assembly has a lefthand thread.
1. Raise and support vehicle, then remove rear wheels.
2. Remove drum retaining nuts, if equipped, then the drums. If drum will not separate from brake shoes or axle, proceed as follows:
a. Check parking brake for engagement and free movement.

Exploded View Of 11 Inch Drum Brake.:

Exploded View Of 13 Inch Drum Brake.:

b. Remove adjustment plug from backing plate.
c. Insert suitable small screwdriver through adjuster hole, then push and hold self adjuster lever off of star wheel of adjuster screw assembly.
d. Using a suitable brake adjustment tool, back off star wheel of adjuster screw assembly until drum can be removed.
e. If drum is rusted to axle flange, use a suitable hammer to tap on joining area of drum and flange until drum is free.
3. Using suitable brake spring tools, remove return spring for primary shoe, then the primary shoe hold-down retainer, spring and pin.
4. Tilt primary shoe out and disengage from shoe spring.
5. Remove shoe spring, self adjuster screw assembly and parking brake strut with spring.
6. Using a suitable brake spring tool, remove secondary shoe hold-down retainer, then the spring and pin.
7. Remove self adjuster levers, spring and retainers from secondary shoe.
8. Tilt secondary shoe up, then remove return spring and self adjuster spring.
9. Disconnect parking brake cable from lever and remove secondary brake shoe.
10. Remove and discard parking brake arm retaining clip, then the arm from the secondary shoe.