1. Raise and support vehicle. Remove wheels and propeller shaft.Fig. 1 Exploded View Of Chrysler Drive Axle:
2. Remove cover and gasket and drain lubricant.
Fig. 1 Differential Pinion Shaft Removal:
3. Rotate differential to gain access to differential pinion shaft lock screw, then remove lock screw and pinion shaft.
Fig. 3 Axle Shaft "C" Lock Removal:
4. Push axle shafts toward center of housing, and remove axle shaft "C" locks and axle shafts.
5. Check differential side play by positioning a screwdriver or pinch bar between left side of axle housing and differential case flange, then using a prying motion, determine if side play is present. No side play should exist. Side play resulting from bearing cones becoming loose on differential case hubs requires replacement of case. Otherwise, use threaded adjuster to remove side play.
Fig. 4 Ring Gear Runout Inspection:
6. Check ring gear runout, with suitable dial indicator to aid assembly. If original ring gear and pinion are reused, backlash should be adjusted to measured value in order to maintain established gear tooth contact pattern.
7. On models equipped with anti-lock brakes, remove anti-lock brake sensor retaining bracket, then the sensor.
Fig. 5 Side Bearing Cap Marks:
8. On all models, mark axle housing and differential side bearing caps to aid assembly, remove side bearing adjuster locks, then loosen but do not remove side bearing cap bolts.
Fig. 6 Typical Side Bearing Adjustment:
9. Insert tool No. C-4164, or equivalent, through each axle tube, and loosen side bearing adjusters.
10. Support differential assembly and remove side bearing caps, adjusters and differential assembly. On 7 1/4 inch axles, adjusters will remain in differential housing. Use caution to avoid damaging RWAL brake exciter ring and ring gear.
11. Place differential cup and threaded adjuster with respective bearings.
Fig. 7 Pinion Rotating Torque (Bearing Preload) Measurement:
12. Using an inch pound torque wrench, measure pinion rotating torque (bearing preload).
13. Holding companion flange with suitable tool, remove pinion nut and washer.
Fig. 8 Companion Flange Removal:
14. Using tool Nos. C-452 and C-3281, or equivalents, remove companion flange, then pry pinion seal from housing.
15. To remove drive pinion or front pinion bearing cone, pinion stem must be driven rearward out of bearing. Pinion removal will cause excessive impact loading of front pinion bearing assembly. If pinion removal is necessary, front bearing assembly must be replaced. Discard collapsible spacer.
16. Using remover tool No. C-4306 and handle tool No. C-4171, or equivalents, remove front and rear bearing cups from housing.
17. Using suitable pullers, remove rear bearing from drive pinion shaft.
18. Inspect components as outlined in "Cleaning & Inspection," keeping components in order, and replace as needed. Components that are reused must be installed in original position.