Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



1. Remove hydraulic throwout bearing, clutch housing and shift lever.

Fig. 1 2WD drive extension housing seal removal:

2. On 2WD models, remove extension housing seal.
3. On all models, remove shift tower attaching bolts, then the shift tower from extension housing.

Fig. 2 Shift tower retainer bolt:

4. Remove gasket from shift tower and shift arm retaining bolt.
5. Remove restrictor pins and shift arm plug.
6. Remove shift arm shaft, then the shift arm using a suitable magnet.

Fig. 3 Lock ball plug removal:

7. Remove reverse shift lock ball plug from right side of adapter housing.
8. Remove lock ball spring and shift head lock ball, using a magnet.
9. Remove back-up light switch from extension housing.
10. On 2WD models, remove speedometer driven gear assembly.
11. On all models, remove extension housing retaining bolts, then the extension housing by tapping housing with a rubber mallet.
12. Remove oil seal housing with suitable tool.
13. Remove bearing retainer attaching bolts, then the retainer and oil seal.

Fig. 4 Input shaft bearing snap ring removal:

Fig. 5 Cluster gear snap ring removal:

14. Remove input shaft bearing and cluster gear snap rings.
15. Using a rubber mallet, loosen gear case from intermediate plate.

Fig. 6 Gear case removal:

16. Remove gear case from gear train and intermediate plate.
17. On 2WD models, remove speedometer gear snap ring, speedometer gear, then spacer from output shaft.

Fig. 7 Lock ball plug location:

18. On all models, remove three lock ball plugs from intermediate plate.

Fig. 8 Lock ball & spring:

19. Using a magnet, remove three lock ball springs and lock balls from intermediate plate.

Fig. 9 Intermediate plate & geartrain:

20. Mount intermediate plate and gear train assembly in a suitable vise using bolts and washers. Do not clamp vise jaws on intermediate plate.

Fig. 10 Fifth gear snap ring removal:

21. Remove fifth gear snap ring.
22. Remove E-ring securing reverse shift arm to fork.
23. Remove bolts attaching reverse shift arm bracket to intermediate plate, then remove the bracket.
24. Remove reverse shift arm and shoe.
25. Remove fifth gear shift fork setscrew, then move fifth gear shift rail forward until it clears shift fork.

Fig. 11 Fifth gear shift fork removal:

26. Remove fifth gear shift fork from synchro sleeve.

Fig. 12 Shift head & rail removal:

27. Remove reverse shift rail and reverse shift head as an assembly.
28. Measure thrust clearance between counter fifth gear and thrust ring using a feeler gauge. Clearance should be 0.003-0.019 inch. If clearance is not as specified, replace gear or ring.

Fig. 13 Fifth gear spline:

29. Loosen fifth spline gear with suitable puller. Position puller behind fifth countergear as shown.

Fig. 14 Fifth spline gear removal:

Fig. 15 Fifth gear synchro ring removal:

30. Remove fifth spline gear and synchro ring.

Fig. 16 Counter fifth gear & synchro assembly removal:

31. Remove fifth gear synchro and sleeve assembly.

Fig. 17 Fifth gear thrust ring removal:

32. Remove counter fifth gear thrust ring.
33. Remove thrust ring lock ball, using a magnet.
34. Remove bolts attaching output shaft rear bearing retainer to intermediate plate.

Fig. 18 Reverse idler gear & shaft removal:

35. Remove rear bearing retainer, reverse gear and shaft.

Fig. 19 Shift rail assembly:

36. Remove fifth gear shift rail, lock ball will drop as rail comes out of intermediate plate.

Fig. 20 Shift rail C-rings removal:

37. Using two screwdrivers, remove 1st-2nd and 3rd-4th shift rail C-ring.
38. Remove shift fork setscrews.

Fig. 21 3-4 shift rail removal:

39. Remove 3rd-4th rail from shift fork and intermediate plate.
40. Remove 3rd-4th shift rail interlock plug from intermediate plate using a magnet.

Fig. 22 1-2 shift rail removal:

Fig. 23 1-2 shift rail interlock pin removal:

41. Remove 1st-2nd shift rail from shift fork and intermediate plate, then 1st-2nd shift rail interlock pin from shift rail.

Fig. 24 1-2 shift rail interlock plug removal:

42. Remove 1st-2nd shift rail interlock plug from intermediate plate.
43. Lift reverse shift fork upward, then remove fifth gear shift rail lock ball.

Fig. 25 Shift fork removal:

44. Remove 3rd-4th shift fork and 1st-2nd shift fork.

Fig. 26 Reverse shift rail C-ring:

45. Using two screwdrivers, remove reverse shift rail C-ring.

Fig. 27 Reverse shift rail & fork removal:

46. Remove reverse shift rail and fork.
47. Remove interlock pin from reverse shift rail.
48. Remove output shaft and cluster gear rear bearing snap rings.

Fig. 28 Unseating output shaft rear bearing:

49. Tap end of output shaft with a suitable mallet to unseat rear bearing out of intermediate plate.

Fig. 29 Input & output shaft:

50. Remove output shaft by moving it slightly, until rear bearing falls out of intermediate plate.
51. Remove cluster gear by pulling it out of rear bearing, then remove rear bearing from intermediate plate.

Fig. 30 Input shaft removal:

52. Remove input shaft from output shaft.
53. Remove output shaft pilot bearing from input shaft.
54. Remove synchro ring from input shaft.
55. Remove bearing snap ring and press bearing off input shaft.

Fig. 44 Input shaft front bearing & select snap ring chart:


1. Press front bearing on input shaft, then secure bearing with thickest snap ring that can be installed.

Fig. 45 Cluster gear front bearing & select snap ring chart:

2. Press front bearing on cluster gear, then secure bearing with thickest snap that can be installed.

Fig. 46 Oil seal installation:

3. Install new oil seals in front bearing retainer and adapter housing. INSTALLATION depth for bearing retainer should be 0.414-0.453 inch.
4. Install reverse shaft and shaft retaining pin in adapter housing, then install access hole plug.
5. Apply gear lubricant to reverse shaft and gear components.
6. Mount intermediate plate in suitable vise.
7. Lubricate cluster gear journal and rear bearing.

Fig. 47 Cluster gear ring bearing installation:

8. Install cluster gear rear bearing in intermediate plate. Ensure snap ring groove is rearward as shown.
9. Start cluster gear in bearing, then hold bearing and push gear into place. Use a plastic mallet to seat bearing if necessary.
10. Start output shaft rear bearing in intermediate plate, then push shaft rearward and tap intermediate plate with a plastic mallet to seat shaft bearing.

Fig. 48 Rear bearing snap rings installation:

11. Install snap rings on cluster and output shaft rear bearing only. Do not install front bearing snap rings at this time.

Fig. 49 Reverse idler gear & shaft installation:

12. Install reverse idler gear and shaft.
13. Position rear bearing retainer over output shaft and rear bearing. Ensure bearing retainer tab is engaged in reverse idler shaft notch.
14. Install rear bearing retainer bolts. Torque to 13 ft. lbs.

Fig. 50 Shift rail ball plug location:

15. Install shift rail interlock pins, balls, and plugs in correct sequence
a. Coat intermediate plate shift rail bores and interlock balls, pins and plugs with petroleum jelly before assembly.
b. Use a pencil magnet to hold and insert interlocks, then use a small screwdriver to push interlock components into place.
c. Install reverse rail interlock pin in rail.
d. Install reverse shift rail in intermediate plate.
e. Position 1st-2nd and 3rd-4th shift forks in synchro sleeves.
f. Tilt reverse shift fork upward and insert reverse lock ball in intermediate plate.
g. Install 1st-2nd rail interlock plug in intermediate plate bore.
h. Install 1st-2nd shift rail interlock pin in shift rail.
i. Install 1st-2nd rail in intermediate plate.
j. Install 3rd-4th shift rail interlock plug in intermediate plate.
k. Install 3rd-4th shift rail in intermediate plate and both shift forks.
l. Install and torque shift fork setscrews to 14 ft. lbs.
m. Install 1st-2nd and 3rd-4th shift rail C-rings.
n. Insert fifth gear shift rail through reverse shift fork, then slide rail into intermediate plate just far enough to secure interlock ball. Do not fully install shift rail at this time.
16. Install thrust ring lock ball in cluster gear journal. Use petroleum jelly to hold ball in place.
17. Install fifth gear thrust ring, ensuring ring notch fits over lock ball.

Fig. 51 Fifth gear & synchro assembly:

18. Assemble counter fifth gear, synchro sleeve inserts, and inserts springs.
19. Lubricate two piece bearing with petroleum jelly, then install in counter fifth gear.
20. Install counter fifth gear and synchro assembly on cluster gear journal.
21. Install synchro ring in synchro sleeve.
22. Install fifth spline gear on cluster journal, then tap spline gear into place using a plastic mallet.

Fig. 52 Fifth gear snap ring installation & select snap ring chart:

23. Install fifth gear selective snap ring. Use thickest snap ring that can be installed.
24. Install reverse shift head and rail, then install lock ball in shift head.
25. Position fifth gear shift fork in synchro sleeve.
26. Install fifth gear rail. Slide rail through fork, shift head, intermediate plate and reverse shift fork. Ensure interlock ball is not displaced during installation.
27. Align screw holes in shift fork and rail, then install setscrew. Torque to 15 ft. lbs.
28. Install lock balls and springs in intermediate plate. Torque lock ball plugs to 13 ft. lbs.
29. Install reverse shift arm bracket. Torque to 13 ft. lbs.
30. Install reverse shift arm, then position arm on reverse fork pin and engage it with pin on shift arm bracket.
31. Ensure shift arm shoe is engaged in reverse idler gear, then secure shift arm to pin on reverse fork using new E-clip.
32. Remove intermediate and gear assemblies from vise.
33. Clean the front case and intermediate plate mating surfaces, then apply suitable sealer to mating surfaces of gear case.
34. Install gear case, then align shift rails and bearing in case.
35. Ensure gear case is seated on intermediate plate dowel pins.
36. Install front bearing snap rings.
37. Install new seal in front bearing retainer, then lubricate seal lip with petroleum jelly. INSTALLATION depth should be 0.413-0.453 inch.
38. Apply suitable sealer to front bearing retainer.

Fig. 53 Speedometer gear installation. 2WD models:

39. Align and install front bearing retainer. Ensure retainer is properly seated on case and bearings. Torque to 12 ft. lbs.
40. On 2WD drive models, install speedometer gear, lock ball and retaining rings. Ensure lock ball is engaged in gear.
41. On all models, inspect condition of reverse pin in extension housing. If pin is worn or damaged, replace as follows:
a. Remove roll pin access plug.
b. Tap roll pin out of housing using pin punch, then remove old reverse pin.
c. Install new reverse pin and secure it with roll pin, then install and torque access plug to 14 ft. lbs.
d. Apply suitable sealer to extension housing. Keeping sealer bead inside bolt holes.
42. Install extension housing on intermediate plate. Ensure housing is seated on intermediate plate dowel pins.
43. Apply suitable silicone to threads of attaching bolts. Torque to 27 ft. lbs.
44. Install detent ball, spring and access plug. Torque to 14 ft. lbs.
45. Lubricate shift arm and install in adapter housing.
46. Position shift arm adapter housing, ensuring arm is engaged in shift rails.
47. Align shift arm with shaft and push shaft into arm. Rotate shift arm until setscrew holes are aligned with shaft.
48. Install shift arm setscrews and torque to 28 ft. lbs.
49. Install restrictor pins and shift arm shaft access plug. Torque to 14 ft. lbs.
50. Position new shift tower gasket on adapter housing, then install the shift tower. Torque attaching bolts to 13 ft. lbs.
51. Install back-up light switch and new washer on drain plug. Torque to 27 ft. lbs.
52. Install clutch housing and hydraulic throwout bearing.