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Adjusting Countershaft End Play

1. Rotate countershaft 4-5 times to seat bearings.

Measuring Countershaft End Play:

2. Mount dial indicator on case. Then position indicator plunger on end of countershaft and zero indicator dial needle.
3. Raise countershaft with screwdriver and note end play reading on dial indicator. End play should be 0.051 - 0.15 mm (0.002 - 0.006 inch).
4. Remove countershaft rear bearing plate.

Installing Countershaft End Play Shim:

5. Select and install end play shim that will provide minimum countershaft end play. Position shim on rear bearing cup.

Countershaft Rear Bearing Plate Installation:

6. Reinstall countershaft; rear bearing plate. Be sure plate is seated in reverse idler shaft notch before installing bolts. Also be sure end play shims are still in position before tightening bearing plate bolts.
7. Apply 1-2 drops MOPAR Loc N' Seal, or equivalent, to threads of rear bearing plate bolts. Then install and tighten bearing plate bolts to 23 Nm (200 inch lbs.) torque.