1. Inspect condition of reverse pin in adapter/extension housing. If pin is worn or damaged, replace it as described in following steps.
2. Remove roll pin access plug.
3. Tap roll pin out of housing with pin punch. Then remove old reverse pin.
4. Install new reverse pin and secure it with roll pin. Then install and tighten access plug to 19 Nm (14 ft. lbs.) torque.
5. Clean sealing surfaces of extension housing and intermediate plate with wax and grease remover. Then wipe dry with a clean cloth.
6. Apply 3 mm (1/8 inch) wide bead of MOPAR Gasket Maker, or Loctite 518 to sealing surface of extension housing. Keep sealer bead inside bolt holes.
7. Align and install extension housing on intermediate plate. Be sure housing is seated on intermediate plate dowel pins.
8. Coat threads of housing attaching bolts with MOPAR silicone sealer. Then install and tighten bolts to 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.) torque.
9. Install reverse shift head detent ball. Then install detent spring and plug. Tighten plug to 19 Nm (14 ft. lbs.) torque.
10. Lubricate shift arm shaft and install it in adapter housing.
11. Position shift arm in adapter housing. Be sure arm is engaged in shift rails.
12. Align shift arm with shaft and push shaft into arm.
13. Rotate shift arm shaft until set screw holes in shaft and arm are aligned.
14. Install and tighten shift arm set screw to 38 Nm (28 ft. lbs.) torque.
15. Install and tighten restrictor pins to 19 Nm (14 ft. lbs.) torque.
16. Install and tighten shift arm shaft access plug to 19 Nm (14 ft. lbs.) torque.
17. Position new shift tower gasket on adapter housing.
18. Install shift tower. Tighten tower attaching bolts to 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.) torque.
19. Install new gasket on backup light switch and install switch. Tighten switch to 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.) torque.
20. Install new washer on drain plug. Then install and tighten plug to 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.) torque.
21. If transmission will be filled with gear lubricant before installation, place transmission in a level position. Then fill with MOPAR 75W-90, grade GL-5 gear lubricant.
22. Install new washer on fill plug. Then install and tighten plug to 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.) torque.
23. Install clutch housing and hydraulic concentric bearing.
24. Install new seal in housing with suitable size installer tool. Lubricate seal lips with petroleum jelly before installation.
25. Install speedometer driven gear, speedometer adapter and speed sensor.