Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Remove release bearing, release lever and release fork from clutch housing. Then remove clutch housing from transmission.

2. Remove backup light switch. Then remove drain plug and drain transmission lubricant into pan.

3. Remove shift tower bolts and remove tower from extension housing.

4. Remove gasket from shift tower.

5. Remove shift arm retainer bolt.

6. Loosen and remove restrictor pins.

7. Remove shift arm shaft plug.

8. Remove shift arm shaft with large magnet.

9. Remove shift arm

10. Remove plug for reverse shift head lock ball. Plug is at right side of adapter housing near backup light switch.

11. Remove lock ball spring with pencil magnet

12. Remove shift head lock ball with pencil magnet.

13. Remove extension housing bolts.

14. Loosen extension housing with rubber mallet.

15. Remove housing after loosening it.

16. Remove extension housing oil seal with a pry tool.