Overdrive Assembly: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then place selector lever in Park.
2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. Remove exhaust system components as necessary to gain clearance.
4. Loosen oil pan attaching bolts and allow fluid to drain.
5. Mark position of propeller shaft universal joint to pinion yoke for proper position, then remove propeller shaft.
6. Support transmission using a suitable jack.
7. Mark position of crossmember for reference during assembly, then remove crossmember.
8. Disconnect distance sensor and speedometer adapter.
Overdrive Unit Attaching Bolt Removal:
9. Remove overdrive unit to transmission attaching bolts. Ensure overdrive unit is supported when pulled back, Fig. 9.
10. Carefully slide overdrive unit off intermediate shaft.
11. If overdrive unit is not to be serviced, immediately insert alignment tool No. 6227-2, or equivalent, into splines of planetary gear and overrunning clutch to prevent misalignment.
12. Retain bearing and select fit spacer that may remain on overdrive piston, rear of transmission case, sliding hub or intermediate shaft.
13. Tilt unit to drain any fluid remaining in case. Check for clutch material or metal fragments.
Gasket Removal:
1. Remove old gasket material around piston and trim new gasket as necessary, Fig. 10. Leave alignment tool No. 6227-2, or equivalent, in place.
Intermediate Shaft Selective Spacer Location:
2. Install selective spacer in groove on intermediate shaft, just rearward of shaft rear splines, Fig. 11.
3. Install overdrive piston thrust plate on piston hub, then coat thrust plate with petroleum jelly.
4. Install thrust bearing in sliding hub. Coat thrust bearing with petroleum jelly to hold in position.
5. Carefully raise overdrive unit and slide onto intermediate shaft, then insert parking rod in reaction plug.
6. Care must be taken not to tilt unit as this could cause the carrier and overrunning clutch splines to rotate out of alignment. If this should occur, it will be necessary to remove overdrive unit and align using tool No. 6227-2, or equivalent.
7. Align slip fit governor tubes and push unit forward until it contacts transmission case.
8. Install overdrive unit attaching bolts, then tighten in crisscross pattern to specifications.
9. Install the crossmember.
10. Install distance sensor and speedometer adapter. Index speedometer adapter.
11. Align and install propeller shaft.
12. Fill transmission to proper level with correct type of fluid.