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Mainshaft and Gear-Train Assembly

CAUTION: The reverse, 1-2 and 3-4 synchro components can be assembled and installed incorrectly if care is not exercised. Some components can be installed backwards resulting in shift problems. Refer to the assembly procedures for component identification and location.

Lubricate mainshaft bearing surfaces and all bearing assemblies with Castrol Syntorq or with petroleum jelly.

First Gear Bearing And Nap Ring Installation:

1. Install first snap ring in rear-most groove of mainshaft, hub. This snap ring locates first gear clutch gear on shaft. A total of four of these snap rings are used to secure various components on the mainshaft 1-2 synchro hub. The snap rings are all the same size and are interchangeable.

Installing First Gear Clutch Cone:

2. Install first gear clutch cone on mainshaft 1-2 synchro hub. Recessed side of cone faces front. Be sure cone is seated against snap ring previously installed on hub.

Installing First Gear Clutch Cone Snap Ring:

3. Install snap ring on mainshaft 1-2 synchro hub to secure clutch cone. Be sure snap ring is fully seated in hub groove and against clutch cone. Note that this is second of four snap rings used to secure synchro components on shaft hub.
4. Support mainshaft in upright position. Remaining gears, snap rings and synchro components are easier to install with shaft in upright position. Shaft can be supported in gear case, or hole can be cut in workbench to support shaft.
5. If 1-2 synchro hub and sleeve were disassembled for service, reassemble hub, sleeve, struts and springs as follows:

Installing 1-2 Synchro Sleeve On Hub:

a. Align and install sleeve on hub. Rotate sleeve until it slides onto hub. Sleeve only fits one way and will easily slide onto hub when long slot in sleeve, aligns with long shoulder on hub.

Installing 1-2 Synchro Struts And Springs:

b. Place wood blocks under hub that will raise hub about 3.5 cm (1.375 inch) above surface of workbench. Then allow sleeve to drop down on hub.
c. Install springs and struts in hub. Use lots of petroleum jelly to hold them in place. Then compress struts with your fingers and move sleeve upward until struts are started in sleeve. Verify that struts are engaged in sleeve before proceeding.
d. Turn synchro assembly upright. Then move sleeve into neutral position on hub and work struts into sleeve at same time. Be sure struts are seated and springs are not displaced during assembly.

Installing First Gear Stop Ring In Synshro Hub:

6. Install first gear stop ring in 1-2 synchro hub and sleeve. Be sure stop ring is fully seated and engaged in hub and sleeve.

Synchro Installation:

7. Install 1-2 synchro assembly and stop ring on mainshaft. Ensure that the taper on the sleeve is facing forward. Then seat assembly on shaft.

Installing 1-2 Synchro Snap Ring:

8. Install snap ring that secures 1-2 synchro on mainshaft hub. Be sure snap ring is fully seated in ring groove in mainshaft hub.

Assembling Second Gear Clutch Cone, Clutch Ring, And Stop Ring:

9. Assemble second gear clutch cone, clutch ring and stop ring.

Second Gear Clutch Cone, Clutch Ring, And Stop Ring Installation:

10. Install assembled second gear clutch cone and rings on mainshaft and in 1-2 synchro hub.

Installing Second Gear Clutch Cone Snap Ring:

11. Install snap ring that secures second gear clutch cone on mainshaft. Use narrow blade screwdriver to work snap ring into hub groove as shown. Be sure snap ring is fully engaged in mainshaft groove before proceeding. If snap ring will not fit in groove, clutch cone is slightly misaligned.

Second Gear Bearing Installation:

12. Install second gear bearing on mainshaft.

Second Gear Installation:

13. Install second gear on mainshaft and bearing. Rotate gear until tabs of second gear clutch ring are fully seated in tab slots in gear.

Thrust Washer Pin Installation:

14. Install thrust washer pin in shaft.

Second Gear Thrust Washer Installation:

15. Install second gear thrust washer. Be sure washer is seated on gear and pin.

Installig Snap Ring And Third Gear Bearing Spacer:

16. Install second gear thrust washer snap ring. Be sure snap ring is fully seated in mainshaft groove.
17. Install third gear bearing spacer on shaft and seat it against thrust washer snap ring.

Third Gear Bearing Installation:

18. Install third gear bearing on mainshaft. Bearing should be flush with mainshaft hub. If bearing is not flush with hub, either bearing spacer or snap ring was not installed. Check and correct if necessary.

Third Gear Installation:

19. Install third gear over bearing and onto mainshaft.

Third Gear Stop Ring Installation:

20. Install synchro stop ring on third gear. Be sure stop ring is fully seated on cone taper.
21. If 3-4 synchro was disassembled for service, reassemble synchro components as follows:

Synchro Assembly (3-4):

a. Align and install synchro sleeve on hub. Front side of hub has a narrow groove machined in it.
b. Insert all three synchro struts in slots machined in sleeve and hub.
c. Install and seat synchro springs. Use flat blade or Phillips screwdriver to compress springs and seat them in struts and hub as shown.

Seating 3-4 Synchro Assembly On Mainshaft:

22. Start 3-4 synchro assembly on mainshaft. Ensure that the hub groove and the sleeve groove both face forward. Tap assembly onto shaft splines until hub is about 3 mm (0.125 inch) away from third gear stop ring. Then align stop ring with synchro sleeve and hub and seat synchro assembly with Tool C-4040.

23. Verify that 3-4 synchro hub is fully seated on shaft. Approximately 3 mm (0.125 inch) of shaft spline should be visible. If hub is not seated, stop ring lugs are misaligned. Rotate ring until lugs are fully engaged in 3-4 hub slots.
24. Verify that second and third gear rotate freely at this point. If not, determine the cause and correct.
25. Invert mainshaft in case or bench. Reverse gear components are easier to install with -shaft upright.
26. Install first gear bearing on mainshaft.

First Gear, Clutch Gear, And Snap Ring Installation:

27. Install first gear on shaft. Clutch hub side of gear faces front of shaft. Be sure tabs on clutch ring are aligned and seated in first gear hub. 1-2 synchro hub will not seat properly if clutch ring tabs are misaligned.
28. Install reverse clutch gear on first gear. Be sure clutch gear is seated on shaft splines.
29. Install reverse clutch gear snap ring. Use heavy duty snap ring pliers to install this snap ring as ring tension is considerable. Do not overspread snap ring and make sure it is fully seated in groove. Reverse gear will not fit properly if snap ring is not fully seated.

Clutch Gear Stop Ring Installation:

30. Install stop ring on clutch cone. Be sure stop ring is fully seated on cone taper.

Reverse Gear Bearing And Spacer Installation:

31. Install reverse gear bearing spacer on mainshaft. Bearing spacer seats against reverse clutch gear snap ring.
32. Install reverse gear bearing on mainshaft.

CAUTION: The reverse sleeve will fit either way on the hub. This means the sleeve can be installed backwards if care is not exercised. Be sure the tapered side of the sleeve faces rearward after installation.

Reverse Gear Synchro Assembly:

33. If reverse gear sleeve and struts were disassembled for service, reassemble sleeve, struts and springs as follows:
a. Position sleeve on hub so tapered side of sl6eve faces rearward. Sleeve will fit either way but will cause shift problems if installed backwards.
b. Rotate sleeve to align teeth on sleeve and hub. Sleeve will slide easily into place on hub when properly aligned.
c. Install springs in gear hub. Use petroleum jelly to hold springs in place if desired.
d. Compress first spring with flat blade screwdriver and slide strut into position in hub slot. Then work spring into seat in strut with small hooked tool, or screwdriver.
e. Install second and third struts in same manner as described in step (d).
f. Work sleeve upward on hub until struts are centered and seated in sleeve. Sleeve should be in neutral position after seating struts.

Reverse Gear Installation:

34. Install reverse gear and synchro assembly on mainshaft. Rotate assembly until stop ring lugs engage in hub slots and gear drops into fully seated position.

Reverse Gear Thrust Washer Installation:

35. Install reverse gear thrust washer.
36. Install rear bearing on mainshaft.

Fourth Gear Stop Ring Installation:

37. Install fourth gear stop ring in 3-4 synchro sleeve.

Fourth Gear Clutch Gear Installation:

38. Install fourth gear clutch gear in stop ring.