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Front/Rear Servo

1. Lubricate rear servo piston seal with MOPAR Door Ease or ATF+4. Lubricate servo bore in case with ATF+4.

2. Install rear servo piston in case. Position piston at slight angle to bore and insert piston with twisting motion.

3. Install rear servo spring and retainer in case bore. Be sure spring is seated on piston.

4. Compress rear servo piston with C-clamp or Valve Spring Compressor C-3422-B, or equivalent and install servo piston snap ring.
5. Lubricate front servo piston components and servo bore in case with transmission fluid.

6. Install front servo piston in bore. Carefully "run" small, suitable tool around piston ring to press it back into groove and ease installation. Rotate piston into bore at same time. Rock piston slightly to ease piston ring past snap ring groove and into bore.
7. Bottom front servo piston in bore and install servo spring.
8. Install front servo piston rod guide as follows:

a. Place Tool SP-5560, or equivalent (or similar size tool) on guide and position C-clamp on tool and case.
b. Slowly compress rod guide while simultaneously easing seal ring into bore with suitable tool.
9. Install rod guide snap ring.