NS-8A Checking Engine Starts and Stalls
Perform Test NS-7A Before Proceeding NS-7A Checking the Idle Air Control MotorNOTE: At this point in the driveability diagnosis, you have determined that all of the engine control systems are operating properly and are not the cause of the START and STALL problem.
NOTE: Check for applicable Technical Service Bulletins (TSB's), if you have not already done so. Then check the following mechanical failures which could cause the problem:
ENGINE VALVE TIMING: Engine valve timing should be at manufacturer`s specifications.
ENGINE COMPRESSION: Engine compression should match manufacturer's specifications.
ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM: The engine exhaust system must be free of any restrictions.
ENGINE PCV SYSTEM: Air in the PCV system must flow freely.
ENGINE DRIVE SPROCKETS: Cam and crankshaft sprockets must be properly positioned, and not have excessive wear.
FUEL CONTAMINATION: Check the fuel system for high alcohol and/or water content.
SECONDARY IGNITION SYSTEM: Check for proper scope pattern.
NOTE: None of these items should be overlooked as possible causes of a Start and Stall condition.