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Distributor Assembly Replacement

1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Remove distributor cap.
3. Bring No. 1 cylinder to top dead center (TDC), by slowly turning the engine until the timing mark on the crankshaft vibration damper lines up with zero on front cover timing scale.

Distributor Alignment Mark:

4. Rotor should be aligned with CYL. NO. 1 mark on camshaft position sensor. If not, rotate engine 360 degrees.
5. Disconnect camshaft position sensor electrical connector.
6. Mark position of distributor housing to engine block.
7. Remove distributor hold-down bolt and clamp.
8. Remove the distributor from the engine.


NOTE: If engine has been rotated since distributor removal, turn engine clockwise until No. 1 cylinder is at TDC of compression stroke.

1. Clean top of block around distributor opening.
2. Replace O-ring on distributor housing, and lube with clean motor oil.
3. Install rotor on distributor shaft
4. Position distributor into its original position. Engage distributor shaft with slot in oil pump drive gear.
5. Turn distributor until rotor is aligned with CYL. NO. 1 mark on camshaft position sensor.
6. Install distributor hold-down bolt and clamp and tighten.
7. Connect camshaft position sensor electrical connector.
8. Install distributor cap.
9. Connect negative battery cable.