Information Bus
Short to Battery: Either or both of the bus wires are shorted to the battery potential.Short to 5 Volts: Either or both of the bus wires are shorted to a 5-volt potential.
Short to Ground: Either or both of the bus wires are shorted to ground.
Bus (+) & Bus (-) Shorted Together: The two bus wires are shorted together.
No Termination: The bus system has lost connection with all of its terminators.
Bus Bias Level too Low: Either or both of the bus wire potentials are significantly below their normal 2.5 volts.
Bus Bias Level too High: Either or both of the bus wire potentials are significantly above their normal 2.5 volts.
No Bus Bias: The bus system has lost connection with all modules that provide bias.
Bus (+) Open: The bus (+) wire has lost connection with termination and/or bias.
Bus (-) Open: The bus (-) wire has lost connection with termination and/or bias.
Not Receiving Bus Messages Correctly: The DRB cannot communicate over the bus and does not know why.