3 Speed Automatic
Clean the intermediate shaft and planetary components in solvent and dry them with compressed air.Inspect the planetary gear sets and annulus gears. The planetary pinions, shafts, washers, and retaining pins are serviceable. However, if a pinion carrier is damaged, the entire planetary gear set must be replaced as an assembly.
Replace the annulus gears if the teeth are chipped, broken, or worn, or the gear is cracked. Replace the planetary thrust plates and the tabbed thrust washers if cracked, scored or worn.
Inspect the machined surfaces of the intermediate shaft. Be sure the oil passages are open and clear. Replace the shaft if scored, pitted, or damaged.
Inspect the sun gear and driving shell. If either component is worn or damaged, remove the sun gear rear retaining ring and separate the sun gear and thrust plate from the driving shell. Then replace the necessary component.
Replace the sun gear as an assembly if the gear teeth are chipped or worn. Also replace the gear as an assembly if the bushings are scored or worn. The sun gear bushings are not serviceable. Replace the thrust plate if worn, or severely scored. Replace the driving shell if distorted, cracked, or damaged in any way.