Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Wiper Motor Runs Slowly at All Speeds

1. Remove wiper motor electrical connector from motor, then remove wiper arms and blades.

Fig 1 Wiper Motor Terminal Locations:

Fig 2 Wiper Motor Terminal Locations:

2. Connect an ammeter between battery and terminal 3 or L.
3. If motor runs and ammeter reading is more than six amps, proceed as follows:
a. Inspect wiper linkage and pivots for binding, then disconnect drive link from motor.
b. If motor now runs and draws less than three amps, repair linkage system.
c. If motor continues to draw more than three amps, replace motor.
4. If motor runs and ammeter reading is less than six amps, proceed as follows:
a. Connect a voltmeter between motor ground strap and terminal 4 or H, then set wiper switch to Low position.
b. If voltage is present, there is a short in the wiring or wiper switch.
c. If voltage is present, set wiper switch to High position, then move voltmeter test lead from terminal 4 or H to 3 or L.
d. If voltage is present, there is a short in the wiring or wiper switch.