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Crankshaft Position Sensor: Service and Repair

Crankshaft Position Sensor:

The crankshaft position sensor mounts to the engine block behind the generator, just behind the oil filter.

1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Disconnect electrical connector from crankshaft position sensor.
3. Remove sensor mounting screw.
4. Pull crankshaft position sensor straight out.


NOTE: It the removed sensor is to be reinstalled, clean off the old spacer on the sensor face. A NEW SPACER must be attached to the sensor face before installation. If the sensor is being replaced, confirm that the paper spacer is attached to the face of the new sensor.

1. Install sensor and push sensor down until contact is made. While holding the sensor in this position, and install and tighten the retaining bolt to 11.9 Nm (105 in. lbs.) torque.