Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


NOTE: Prior to removing any transaxle subassemblies, plug all openings and thoroughly clean exterior of the unit, preferably by steam. Cleanliness through entire disassembly and assembly cannot be overemphasized. When disassembling, each part should be washed in a suitable solvent, then dried by compressed air. Do not wipe parts with shop towels. All mating surfaces in the transaxles are accurately machined; therefore, careful handling of all parts must be exercised to avoid nicks or burrs.

1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Drain transmission fluid.

Oil Pan Bolts:

Oil Pan:

3. Remove oil pan attaching bolts and oil pan.

Oil Filter:

Valve Body Attaching Bolts:

4. Remove oil filter, then the valve body attaching bolts.

Push Park Rollers From Guide Bracket:

5. Push park rod rollers from guide bracket, then remove valve body.

CAUTION: Do not clamp any portion of valve body or transfer plate in a vise. Any slight distortion of the aluminum body or transfer plate will result in sticking valves, excessive leakage, or both. When removing or installing valves or plugs, slide them in or out carefully. Do not use force.

Remove Valve Body:

WARNING: Tag all springs as they are removed for reassembly identification.

Transmission Range Sensor Screw:

Transmission Range Sensor Screw Removed:

Manual Shaft And Rooster Comb:

Accumulator Plate:

TRS, Manual Shaft And 2-4 Accumulator:

Valve Body Screws:

Valve Body And Transfer Plate:

Transfer Plate And Separator Plate:

Ball Check Location:

Springs And Valves Location:

Retainer Plate:

1. Allow all parts to soak a few minutes in a suitable clean solvent. Wash thoroughly and blow dry with compressed air. Make sure all passages are clean and free from obstructions.
2. Inspect manual and throttle valve operating levers and shafts for being bent, worn or loose. If a lever is loose on its shaft, it should be replaced. Do not attempt to straighten bent levers.
3. Inspect all mating surfaces for burrs, nicks and scratches. Minor blemishes may be removed with crocus cloth, using only a very light pressure. Using a straightedge, inspect all mating surfaces for warpage or distortion. Slight distortion may be corrected, using a surface plate. Make sure all metering holes in steel plate are open. Using a pen light, inspect bores in valve body for scores scratches, pits and irregularities.
4. Inspect all valve springs for distortion and collapsed coils. Inspect all valves and plugs for burrs, nicks, and scores. Small nicks and scores may be removed with crocus cloth, providing extreme care is taken not to round off sharp edges. The sharpness of these edges is vitally important because it prevents foreign matter from lodging between valve and valve body, thus reducing possibility of sticking. Inspect all valves and plugs for freedom of operation in valve body bores.
5. When bores, valves, and plugs are clean and dry, the valves and plugs should fall freely in the bores. The valve body bores do not change dimensionally with use. Therefore, a valve body that was functioning properly when vehicle was new, will operate correctly if it is properly and thoroughly cleaned. There is no need to replace valve body unless it is damaged in handling.

Push Park Rollers From Guide Bracket:

7. Reverse procedure to install noting the following:
a. When installing valve body assembly onto transaxle, guide park rod rollers into guide bracket, while shifting manual lever assembly out of the installation position.
b. Torque valve body attaching bolts to 40 lb-in.
c. Torque oil pan attaching bolts to 14 lb-ft.
8. Fill transaxle to proper level with ATF.