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Hydraulic Control System

The hydraulic control system makes the transaxle fully automatic, and has four important functions to perform. The components of any automatic control system may be grouped into the following basic groups:

The pressure supply system, the pressure regulating valves, the flow control valves, the clutches, and band servos.

Taking each of these basic groups or systems in turn, the control system may be described as follows:

Pressure Supply System
The pressure supply system consists of an oil pump driven by the engine through the torque converter. The single pump furnishes pressure for all the hydraulic and lubrication requirements. Oil pump housing assemblies are available with preselected pump gears.

Pressure Regulating Valves
The pressure regulating valve controls line pressure dependent on throttle opening. The governor valve transmits regulated pressure to the valve body (in conjunction with vehicle speed) to control upshift and downshift.

The throttle valve transmits regulated pressure to the transaxle (dependent on throttle position) to control upshift; and downshift.

Flow Control Valves
The manual valve provides the different transaxle drive ranges as selected by the vehicle operator.

The 1-2 shift valve automatically shifts the transaxle from first to second or from second to first, depending on the vehicle operation.

The 2-3 shift valve automatically shifts the transaxle from second to third or from third to second depending on the vehicle operation.

The kickdown valve makes possible a forced downshift from third to second, second to first, or third to first (depending on vehicle speed). This can be done by depressing the accelerator pedal past the detent feel near wide open throttle.

The shuttle valve has two separate functions and performs each independently of the other. The first is providing fast release of the kickdown band, and smooth front clutch engagement when a lift-foot upshift from second to third is made. The second function is to regulate the application of the kickdown servo and band when making third to second kickdown.

The by-pass valve provides for smooth application of the kickdown band on 1-2 upshifts.

The torque converter clutch solenoid allows for the electronic control of the torque converter clutch. It also disengages the torque converter at closed throttle. This is done during engine warm-up, and part throttle acceleration.

The switch valve directs oil to apply the torque converter clutch in one position. The switch valve releases the torque converter clutch in the other position.

Clutches, Band Servos, And Accumulator
The front and rear clutch pistons, and both servo pistons are moved hydraulically to engage the clutches and apply the bands. The pistons are released by spring tension when hydraulic pressure is released. On the 2-3 upshift, the kickdown servo piston is released by spring tension and hydraulic pressure.

The accumulator controls the hydraulic pressure on the apply side of the kickdown servo during the 1-2 upshift; thereby, cushioning the kickdown band application at any throttle position.