General Diagnostic Information
This section contains the information necessary to diagnose the ITT Teves Mark 20 ABS Brake System. Specifically, this section should be used to help diagnose conditions which result in any of the following:1. ABS Warning Lamp turned on.
2. Brakes Lock-up on hard application
Diagnosis of base brake conditions which are obviously mechanical in nature should be directed to Brakes Testing and Inspection. This includes brake noise, brake pulsation, lack of power assist, parking brake, Red BRAKE Warning Lamp lighting, or vehicle vibration during normal braking.
Many conditions that generate customer complaints may be normal operating conditions, but are judged to be a problem due to not being familiar with the ABS system. These conditions can be recognized without performing extensive diagnostic work, given adequate understanding of the operating principles and performance characteristics of the ABS. See the ABS System Operation to familiarize yourself with the operating principles of the ITT Teves Mark 20 ABS system.