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Radiator Cap - Pressure Testing

Dip the pressure cap in water, clean any deposits off the vent valve or its seat and apply cap to end of Radiator Pressure Tool. Working the plunger, bring the pressure to 104 kPa (15 psi) on the gauge. If the pressure cap fails to hold pressure of at least 97 kPa (14 psi) replace cap. See CAUTION below.

If the pressure cap tests properly while positioned on Radiator Pressure Tool, but will not hold pressure or vacuum when positioned on the radiator. Inspect the radiator filler neck and cap top gasket for irregularities that may prevent the cap from sealing properly.

CAUTION: Radiator Pressure Tool is very sensitive to small air leaks that will not cause cooling system problems. A pressure cap that does not have a history of coolant loss should not be replaced just because it leaks slowly when tested with this tool. Add water to the tool. Turn tool upside down and recheck pressure cap to confirm that cap is bad.