Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Idle Speed: Testing and Inspection


Fig 97 Air Metering Fitting 6457:

Fig 100 PCV Valve:

1. Warm engine in Park or Neutral until the cooling fan has cycled on and off at least once.
2. Ensure that all accessories are off.
3. Shut off engine.
4. Disconnect the PCV valve hose from the intake manifold nipple (Fig. 100).
5. Cap the PCV valve nipple.
6. Install Air Metering Fitting 6457 (0.125 in orifice) to the intake manifold PCV nipple (Fig. 97).
7. Disconnect the idle purge line from the throttle body nipple.
8. Cap the 3/16 inch nipple.
9. Connect the DRB scan tool to the data link connector.
10. Restart the engine. Allow engine to idle until the cooling fan has cycled on and off at least one 180°F cycle.
11. Using the DRB scan tool, access the Minimum Airflow Idle Speed screen.
12. The following will then occur:
- Idle air control motor will fully close.
- Idle spark advance will become fixed.
- DRB scan tool displays engine rpm.
13. If idle rpm is within the range shown in the Idle Specification chart, throttle body minimum airflow is set correctly.

2.4L Idle Specifications
Odometer Reading Idle RPM

Below 1000 Miles 500-875 RPM

Above 1000 Miles 550-875 RPM

3.0L Idle Specifications
Odometer Reading Idle RPM

Below 1000 Miles 560-910 RPM

Above 1000 Miles 610-910 RPM

3.3L/3.8L Idle Specifications
Odometer Reading Idle RPM

Below 1000 Miles 525-875 RPM

Above 1000 Miles 575-875 RPM

14. If idle rpm is not within specifications, shut off the engine and clean the throttle body as follows:
a. Remove the throttle body from engine.

WARNING: Clean throttle body in a well ventilated area. Wear rubber or butyl gloves, do not let Mopar parts cleaner come in contact with eyes or skin. Avoid ingesting the cleaner. Wash thoroughly after using cleaner.

b. While holding the throttle open, spray the entire throttle body bore and the manifold side of the throttle plate with Mopar Parts Cleaner. Only use Mopar Parts Cleaner to clean the throttle body.
c. Using a soft scuff pad, clean the top and bottom of throttle body bore and the edges and manifold side of the throttle blade. The edges of the throttle blade and portions of the throttle bore that are closest to the throttle blade when closed, must be free of deposits.
d. Use compressed air to dry the throttle body.
e. Inspect throttle body for foreign material.
f. Install throttle body on manifold.
g. Repeat steps 1 through 12. If the minimum air flow is still not within specifications, the problem is not caused by the throttle body.
15. Shut off engine.
16. Remove Air Metering Fitting 6457 from the intake manifold PCV nipple. Reinstall the PCV valve hose.
17. Uncap the throttle body idle purge nipple and connect the idle purge line.
18. Remove DRB scan tool.