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Fuel Pressure Test - With Test Port

Fig. 7 Fuel Pressure Test Port - Typical:

NOTE: Use this test in conjunction with the Fuel Pump Capacity Test and Fuel Pressure Leak Down Test.

Check Valve Operation: The electric fuel pump outlet contains a one-way check valve to prevent fuel flow hack into the tank and to maintain fuel supply line pressure (engine warm) when pump is not operational. It is also used to keep the fuel supply line full of gasoline when pump is not operational. After the vehicle has cooled down fuel pressure may drop to 0 psi (cold fluid contracts), but liquid gasoline will remain in fuel supply line between the check valve and fuel injectors. Fuel pressure that has dropped to 0 psi on a cooled down vehicle (engine off) is a normal condition. When the electric fuel pump is activated, fuel pressure should immediately rise to specification.

NOTE: The fuel pressure test port is used on certain engines only. When equipped the test port will be located on the fuel rail near the throttle position sensor on. A sealing cap is screwed onto the test port.

All fuel systems are equipped with a fuel tank module mounted, combination fuel filter/fuel pressure regulator. The fuel pressure regulator is not controlled by engine vacuum.

WARNING: The fuel system is under constant fuel pressure even with the engine off. Before disconnecting fuel line at fuel rail, this pressure must be released. Refer to the fuel system pressure release procedure.

1. Remove the protective cap at the fuel rail test port. Connect the 0-414 kPa (0-60 psi) fuel pressure gauge (from gauge set 5069) to the test port pressure fitting on the fuel rail.
2. Start and warm the engine and note pressure gauge reading. Fuel pressure should be 3.39 kPa +/- 34 kPa (49.2 psi +/- 5 psi) at idle.
3. If engine runs but pressure is below 44.2 psi, check for a kinked fuel supply line somewhere between fuel rail and fuel pump module. If line is not kinked, replace fuel pump module assembly. Refer to Fuel Pump Removal/Installation.
4. If operating pressure is above 54.2 psi, electric fuel pump is OK, but fuel pressure regulator is defective. Replace fuel filter/fuel pressure regulator. Certain filter/regulators may be serviced separately and some require the replacement of the fuel pump module assembly Refer to Fuel Filter/Fuel Pressure Regulator Removal/Installation for more information.