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Ignition Coil: Service and Repair


Ignition Coil Packs:

Two separate coil packs containing a total of five independent coils are attached to a common mounting bracket located above the right engine valve cover. The front and rear coil packs can be serviced separately.
1. Remove the secondary spark plug cables from the coil packs. Note position of cables before removal.
2. Disconnect the primary wiring harness connectors at coil packs.
3. RE,move the four (4) coil pack-to-coil mounting bracket bolts for the coil pack being serviced.
4. Remove coil(s) from mounting bracket.

1. Position coil packs to mounting bracket (primary wiring connectors face downward).
2. Install coil pack mounting bolts. Tighten bolts to 10 N.m (90 in. lbs.) torque.
3. Install coil pack-to-engine mounting bracket (if necessary).
4. Connect primary wiring connectors to coil packs (four wire connector to front coil pack and three wire connector to rear coil pack).

Spark Plug Cable Order:

5. Connect secondary spark plug cables to coil packs.