Compressor Clutch Relay: Description and Operation
Compressor Clutch RelayThe compressor clutch relay is a International Standards Organization (ISO) micro-relay The terminal designations and functions are the same as a conventional ISO relay. However, the micro-relay terminal orientation (footprint) is different, the current capacity is lower, and the relay case dimensions are smaller than those of the conventional ISO relay.
The compressor clutch relay is a electromechanical device that switches battery current to the compressor clutch coil when the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) grounds the coil side of the relay The PCM responds to inputs from the heater-A/C mode control switch, the low pressure cycling clutch switch, and the high pressure cut-off switch. See Compressor Clutch Relay in the Diagnosis and Testing for more information.
The compressor clutch relay is located in the Power Distribution Center (PDC) in the engine compartment. Refer to the PDC label for relay identification and location.
The compressor clutch relay cannot be repaired and, if faulty or damaged, it must be replaced.