Cleaning and Inspection
CLEANINGClean all surfaces of cylinder block and cylinder heads.
Clean cylinder block front and rear gasket surfaces using a suitable solvent.
Inspect all surfaces with a straightedge if there is any reason to suspect leakage. If out-of-flatness exceeds 0.00075 mm/mm (0.00075 inch/inch) times the span length in inches in any direction, either replace head or lightly machine the head surface.
FOR EXAMPLE: A 305 mm (12 inch) span is 0.102 mm (0.004 inch) out-of-fiat. The allowable out-of-flat is 305 X 0.00075 (12 X 0.00075) equals 0.23 mm (0.009 inch). This amount of out-of-flat is acceptable.
The cylinder head surface finish should be 1.78-3.00 microns (70-125 microinches).