Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Glossary of Terms

ABS - anti-lock brake system
backfire, popback - fuel ignites in either the intake or the exhaust system
CKP - crank position sensor
CMP - camshaft position sensor
cuts out, misses - a steady pulsation or the inability of the engine to maintain a consistent rpm
DLC - data link connector (previously called "engine diagnostic connector")
detonation,spark knock - a mild to severe ping, especially under loaded engine conditions
ECT - engine coolant temperature sensor
EGR - exhaust gas recirculation valve and system
generator - previously called "alternator"
hard start - The engine takes longer than usual to start, even though it is able to crank normally.
hesitation,sag, stumble - There is a momentary lack of response when the throttle is opened. This can occur at all vehicle speeds. If it is severe enough, the engine may stall.
IAT - intake air temperature sensor
IAC - idle air control valve
JTEC - Combined engine and transmission control module
lack of power,sluggish - The engine has less than expected power, with little or no increase in vehicle speed when the throttle is opened.
LDP - Leak Detection Pump
MAP - manifold absolute pressure sensor
MTV - manifold tuning valve
MVLPS - manual valve lever position switch (previously called "park/ neutral switch")
O2S - oxygen sensor (left oxygen sensor when there are two sensors)
O2SR - right oxygen sensor
PCM - Powertrain Control Module
PEP - Peripheral Expansion Port