Seat Belt Latch: Testing and Inspection
Seat Belt Retractor Latch Solenoid1. Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable. Unplug the wire harness connector from the Seatbelt Control Timer Module (SCTM).
2. Check the resistance between the inoperative (driver or passenger) latch signal circuit cavity of the SCTM wire harness connector and a good ground. The correct resistance should be from 50 to 60 ohms. If OK, see Seatbelt Control Timer Module in the Diagnosis and Testing. If not OK, go to Step 3.
3. Unplug the wire harness connector at the inoperative (driver or passenger) seat belt retractor latch solenoid. Check the resistance between the two terminals of the latch solenoid. The correct resistance should be from 50 to 60 ohms. If OK, go to Step 4. If not OK, replace the faulty seat belt retractor unit.
4. Check the resistance between the ground circuit cavity of the latch solenoid wire harness connector and a good ground. There should be no measurable resistance. If OK, repair the inoperative (driver or passenger) latch signal circuit between the solenoid wire harness connector and the SCTM wire harness connector as required. If not OK, repair the circuit to ground as required.