Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts Information

PartManufacturerOEM Part #PriceNotes
5 Speed
NV1500 NV3500 NV3550
Input Shaft
Input ShaftCHY4883472AA359.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Synchronizer RingCHY4741277101.00
Input Shaft BearingCHY474187869.25
Snap RingCHY47412664.00
3RD-4TH Gear SynchronizerCHY4741293AB235.00
3RD GearCHY4874312289.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
BearingCHY474187413.70Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Retaining RingCHY4897922AA1.85
Thrust WasherCHY5019721AA4.70
2ND GearCHY4874358435.00
1ST-2ND SynchronizerCHY4874356AB330.00
NV4500, NV4500HD
Input Shaft
Drive Gear BearingCHY472314593.25
Input ShaftCHY4882358347.00
Input Shaft BearingCHY463777437.85Contact Dealer for most current part and price information. Illustion Not Availble At Time Of Publication.