Cleaning and Inspection
CLEANINGClean cylinder block thoroughly and check all core hole plugs for evidence of leaking.
Examine block for cracks or fractures.
The cylinder walls should be checked for out-of-round and taper with Cylinder Bore Indicator Tool C-119. The cylinder block should be bored and honed with new pistons and rings fitted if:
^ The cylinder bores show more than 0.127 mm (0.005 inch) out-of-round.
^ The cylinder bores show a taper of more than 0.254 mm (0.010 inch).
^ The cylinder walls are badly scuffed or scored.
Boring and honing operation should be closely coordinated with the fitting of pistons and rings so specified clearances may be maintained.
Oil Line Plug:
The oil line plug is located in the vertical passage at the rear of the block between the Oil-To-Filter and Oil-From-Filter passages. Improper installation or plug missing could cause erratic, low or no oil pressure.
1. Remove oil pressure sending unit from back of block.
2. Insert a 3.175 mm (1/8 inch) finish wire or equivalent into passage.
3. Plug should be 190.0 to 195.2 mm (7-1/2 to 7-11/16 inches) from machined surface of block. If plug is too high, use a suitable flat dowel to position properly.
4. If plug is too low, remove oil pan and rear main bearing cap. Use suitable flat dowel to position properly. Coat outside diameter of plug with Mopar (stud and bearing mount adhesive), or equivalent. Plug should be 54.0 to 57.7 mm (2-1/8 to 2-5/16 inches) from bottom of the block.
5. Assemble engine and check oil pressure.