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Throttle Position Sensor: Service and Repair


MAP Sensor, TP Sensor, IAC Motor:

The TPS is located on the side of the throttle body.


1. Remove engine cover.

2. Remove air intake tube at throttle body.

3. Disconnect TPS electrical connector.

TPS Mounting Bolts-Typical:

4. Remove two TPS mounting bolts.

5. Remove TPS from throttle body.


Throttle Position Sensor Installation-Typical:

The throttle shaft end of the throttle body slides into a socket in the TPS. The TPS must be installed so that it can be rotated a few degrees. If the sensor will not rotate, install the sensor with the throttle shaft on the other side of the socket tangs. The TPS will be under slight tension when rotated.

1. Install the TPS and two retaining bolts.

2. Tighten bolts to 7 Nm (60 in. lbs.) torque.

3. Manually operate the throttle control lever by hand to check for any binding of the TPS.

4. Connect TPS electrical connector to TPS.

5. Install air intake tube.

6. Install engine cover.