Glossary of Terms
ACRONYMSA/C Air Conditioning
ABS Anti-lock Brake System
ASD Relay Auto Shutdown Relay
APPS Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor
backfire, popback fuel ignites in either the intake or the exhaust system
Baro Barometric Pressure
BCM Body Control Module
BTS Battery Temperature Sensor
CAA Clean Air Act
CAB Controller Antilock Brakes
CARB California Air Resources Board
CCD Bus Chrysler Collision Detection Bus
CKP Sensor Crank Position Sensor
CMP Sensor Camshaft Position Sensor
CO Carbon Monoxide
cuts out/misses a steady pulsation or the inability of the engine to maintain a consistent rpm
DCP Duty-cycle Purge Solenoid
detonation, spark knock a mild to severe ping, especially under loaded engine conditions
DLC data link connector (previously called engine diagnostic connector)
DLC Solenoid Data Link Connector
DRBIII(R) Diagnostic Readout Box - 3rd Generation
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DVOM Digital Volt Ohm Meter
EATX II Electronic Automatic Transmission Controller - 2nd Generation
EC European community
ECT Sensor Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EGR Valve Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve
EMCC Electronic Modulated Converter Clutch
EMI Electro-magnetic Interference
EOBD European OBD (based Upon Euro Stage III)
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPP Engine Position Pulse
EU European Union
EVAP Evaporative Emission System
EVR Electronic Voltage Regulator
EWMA Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
FTP Federal Test Procedure
hard start The engine takes longer than usual to start, even though it is able to crank normally.
HC Hydrocarbons
hesitation, sag, stumble There is a momentary lack of response when the throttle is opened. This can occur at all vehicle speeds. If it is severe enough, the engine may stall.
HO2S Heated Oxygen Sensor
Generator previously called "alternator"
IAC Motor Idle Air Control Motor
IAT Sensor Intake Air Temperature Sensor
I/M Inspection And Maintenance Testing
JTEC Jeep/Truck Engine Controller
lack of power, sluggish The engine has less than expected power, with little or no increase in vehicle speed when the throttle is opened.
LDP Leak Detection Pump
LSIACV Linear Solenoid Idle Air Control Valve
MAF Mass Air Flow
MAP Sensor Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
MDS(2)(R) Mopar Diagnostic System - 2nd Generation
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MTV Manifold Tuning Valve
NGC Next Generation Controller
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
NVLD Natural Vacuum Leak Detection
O2 Sensor Oxygen Sensor
O2S Oxygen Sensor
OBD I On Board Diagnostics - 1st Generation
OBD II On-board Diagnostics - 2nd Generation
ORVR On-board Refueling Vapor Recovery
PCI Bus Programmable Communications Interface Bus (J1850)
PCM Powertrain Control Module
[1][2]PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PDC Power Distribution Center
PEP Peripheral Expansion Port
P/N Park/Neutral
poor fuel economy There is significantly less fuel mileage than other vehicles of the same design ad configuration
PPS Proportional Purge Solenoid
PS Power Steering
PSP Power Steering Pressure (switch)
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PWM Pulse-width Modulation
RAM Random Access Memory
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
rough, unstable, erratic idle stalling The engine runs unevenly at idle and causes the engine to shake if it or is severe enough. The engine idle rpm may vary (called hunting). This condition may cause stalling if it is severe enough.
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SBEC Single Board Engine Controller
SCW Similar Conditions Window
SKIM Sentry Key Immobilizer Module
SKIS sentry key immobilizer system
SRV Short Runner Valve
start & stall The engine starts but immediately dies.
surge engine rpm fluctuation without corresponding change in throttle position sensor
TCC Torque Converter Clutch
TCM Transmission Control Module
TDC Top Dead Center
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
TRS Transmission Range Sensor
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
WOT Wide Open Throttle