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Gear Shift Lever

1. Remove the knee blocker.
2. Loosen the steering column bolts enough to lower the column without removing.
3. Remove the upper and lower shrouds.
4. Disconnect overdrive switch wiring.
5. Disconnect the shift cable from the pin and unsnap the cable adjusting clip.

6. Remove the screws retaining the gear shift lever.
7. Remove the gear shift lever from the steering column assembly.


1. Install the gear shift lever onto the steering column assembly.
2. Install the shift lever screws. Tighten the screws to 12 Nm (105 inch lbs.).
3. Connect the shift cable to the pin ensuring the shift lever is in PARK and snap the shift cable adjustment clip in place.
4. Connect overdrive switch wiring.
5. Install the upper and lower shrouds.
6. Tighten the steering column mounting nuts to 28 Nm (250 inch lbs.).
7. Install the knee blocker.