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CV Joint/Boot - Outer

CV Joint / Boot - Outer

1. Clamp shaft in a vise (with soft jaws) and support C/V joint.

2. Remove clamps with a cut-off wheel or grinder (Fig. 3).

CAUTION: Do not damage C/V housing or half shaft.

3. Slide the boot down the shaft.
4. Remove lubricant to expose the C/V joint snap ring.

5. Spread snap ring and slide the joint off the shaft (Fig. 4).
6. Slide boot off the shaft and discard old boot.

7. Mark alignment marks on the inner race/hub, bearing cage and housing with dabs of paint (Fig. 5).
8. Clamp C/V joint in a vertical position in a in soft jawed vise.
9. Press down one side of the bearing cage to gain access to the ball at the opposite.

NOTE: If joint is tight, use a hammer and brass drift to loosen the bearing hub. Do not contact the bearing cage with the drift.

10. Remove ball from the bearing cage (Fig. 6).
11. Repeat step above until all six balls are removed from the bearing cage.

12. Lift cage and inner race upward and out from the housing (Fig. 7).

13. Turn inner race 90° in the cage and rotate the inner race/hub out of the cage (Fig. 8).


NOTE: If ON joint is worn, replace entire ON joint and boot.

1. Apply a light coat of grease to the C/V joint components before assembling them.
2. Align the inner race, cage and housing according to the alignment reference marks.

3. Insert the inner race into the cage (Fig. 9) and rotate race into the cane.

4. Rotate the inner race/hub in the cage (Fig. 10).

5. Insert cage into the housing (Fig. 11). Rotate the cage 90° into the housing (Fig. 12).
6. Apply the lubricant included with the replacement boot to the ball races. Spread the lubricant equally between all the races.

7. Tilt inner race/hub and cage and install the balls (Fig. 13).
8. Place new clamps onto new boot and slide boot onto the shaft to its original position.
9. Apply the rest of lubricant to the C/V joint and boot.

10. Install the joint onto the shaft. Push the joint onto the shaft until the snap ring seats in the groove (Fig. 14). Pull on the joint to verify the span ring has engaged.
11. Position the boot on the joint in its original position. Ensure that the boot is not twisted and remove any excess air.

12. Secure both boot clamps (Fig. 15) with Clamp Installer C-4975A. Place tool on clamp bridge and tighten tool until the jaws of the toll are closed.