DISASSEMBLY / NV1500 Manual Transmission
1. Shift transmission into Neutral.
2. Remove drain plug and drain lubricant into a container.
3. Remove backup light switch (Fig. 2).
4. Remove shift tower bolts and remove tower and lever assembly (Fig. 3).
5. Remove shift shaft lock bolt (Fig. 4). Bolt secures the shift shaft bushing and lever.
6. Remove shift shaft detent plug with Remover 8117A (Fig. 5).
7. Remove shift shaft detent plunger and spring with a pencil magnet.
8. Remove input shaft bearing retainer bolts (Fig. 6).
9. Remove bearing retainer from input shaft with a pry tool (Fig. 7).
10. Remove snap ring securing input shaft in front bearing (Fig. 8).
11. Remove front housing bolts (Fig. 9). Leave one bolt in place until geartrain is ready to be removed from case. Three bolts at the rear of housing are for the output shaft bearing retainer.
12. Tap front housing off alignment dowels with a plastic mallet and separate the housing.
13. Remove input shaft bearing (Fig. 10).
14. Note position of input shaft, shift shaft, forks, and geartrain components in housing (Fig. 11).
1. Drive out roll pin that secures shift bushing and lever to shift shaft with a hammer and punch (Fig. 12).
2. Position shift socket off to the side so roll pin removal does not interfere with gears.
3. Drive out shift socket roll pin with a hammer and punch.
NOTE: Use proper size punch to prevent damage to the shift shaft.
4. Pull shift shaft straight out of rear housing and shift forks (Fig. 13).
5. Remove shift socket from rear housing (Fig. 14).
6. Remove lever and bushing (Fig. 15).
7. Rotate 3-4 fork around synchro sleeve until fork clears shift arms on 1-2 and fifth-reverse forks, then remove 3-4 fork (Fig. 16).
8. Remove front reverse idler shaft support bolt and loosen rear bolt (Fig. 17).
9. Remove reverse idler shaft support by sliding it straight out of housing.
10. Remove rear reverse idler shaft bolt.
11. Remove reverse idler shaft, idler gear, bearing and thrust washer (Fig. 18).
1. Remove output shaft bearing retainer bolts (Fig. 19). Bolts are rear of shift tower opening.
2. Grab hold of mainshaft and countershaft and remove geartrain from rear housing (Fig. 20).
1. Remove 1-2 and fifth-reverse forks from synchro sleeves.
2. Separate countershaft from mainshaft.
3. Separate input shaft from output shaft.
1. Remove countershaft front and rear bearing with Puller 8356.
2. Remove rear bearing race (in rear housing) with Bearing Race Remover L-4454. Install new race with Driver C-4656 and Driver Handle C-4171.
3. Remove bearing shim cap from front housing (below input shaft bearing retainer). Remove shim. Drive race through and out of housing with Driver C-4656 and Driver Handle C-4171. Install new race into housing from outside. Do not drive all the way into position. Tightening the shim cap will install the race to the proper position. Install shim and shim cap and torque cap bolts to 28.5 Nm (21 ft. lbs.).
NOTE: Synchronizer hubs and sleeves are different. Remove synchronizer unit as an assembly to avoid intermixing parts. Mark each synchro hub and sleeve for assembly reference.
1. Remove snap ring that secures 3-4 synchro hub on output shaft.
2. Remove 3-4 synchro assembly, third gear synchro ring and third gear with a shop press and Splitter 1130. Position splitter between second and third gears.
3. Remove third gear needle bearing (Fig. 21).
4. Remove retaining ring that secures two-piece thrust washer on shaft.
5. Remove two-piece thrust washer (Fig. 22). Note position of washer locating lugs in shaft notches for installation reference.
6. Remove second gear and needle bearing (Fig. 23).
7. Remove 2nd-3rd gear thrust washer locating pin.
8. Remove second gear synchro ring and synchro cone.
9. Remove 1-2 synchro hub snap ring.
10. Remove 1-2 synchro hub and sleeve and first gear from output shaft with shop press and Splitter 1130 (Fig. 24). Position splitter between first and reverse gears.
11. Remove first gear needle bearing (Fig. 25).
12. Remove output shaft bearing snap ring (Fig. 26).
13. Remove output shaft bearing from shaft with shop press and Splitter 1130. Position splitter between bearing and fifth gear.
14. Remove fifth gear (Fig. 27).
15. Remove fifth gear needle bearing. Spread bearing apart just enough to clear shoulder on output shaft (Fig. 28).
16. Remove fifth-reverse synchro hub snap ring (Fig. 29).
17. Remove fifth-reverse synchro hub and sleeve with shop press (Fig. 30).
18. Remove reverse gear and needle bearing (Fig. 31).