Glossary of Acronyms
ABS Antilock Brake SystemACM Airbag Control Module
AECM Airbag Electronic Control Module (ACM)
ASDM Airbag System Diagnostic Module (ACM)
CAB Controller Antilock Brake
CMTC Compass Mini-Trip Computer
CTM Central Timer Module
DAB Driver Airbag
DLC Data Link Connector
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
EBL Electric Back Lite (Rear Window Defogger)
ECM Engine Control Module
EMIC Electro/Mechanical Instrument Cluster
HVAC Heater, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
I/R Infrared Sensor
MUX Multiplexed
ODO Odometer
ORC Occupant Restraint Controller
PAB Passenger Airbag
PCI Programmable Communication Interface (Vehicle Communication Bus)
PCM Powertrain Control Module
PDC Power Distribution Center
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
SBT Seat Belt Tensioner
SKIM Sentry Key Immobilizer Module
SKIS Sentry Key Immobilizer System
SQUIB also called Initiator (located in rear of airbag module)
TCCM Transfer Case Control Module
TCM Transmission Control Module
VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Display
VTSS Vehicle Theft Security System