DRB III Error Messages and Blank Screen: Overview
DRBIII ERROR MESSAGES AND BLANK SCREENIf any of the following error messages appear on the DRBIII screen, refer to the Vehicle Communications for diagnosis and repair.
^ cartridge error
^ low battery
^ ram result failure
^ high battery
^ keypad test failure
If the DRBIII has a blank screen, do the following:
^ Ensure there is a good body ground at the data link connector.
^ Use the process of elimination. Sequentially substitute another cable, cartridge, and DRBIII until the condition is corrected.
Under normal operation, the DRBIII will display only two error messages:
^ User-Requested WARM Boot or User Requested COLD Boot.
If the DRBIII should display any other message, record the entire display and call the STAR Center. This is a sample of such an error message display: