Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal and Replacement

1. Scribe hood hinge outlines on hood. Remove the hood.
2. Remove the battery.
3. Drain cooling system.
4. Remove the air cleaner, air in-let hose and resonator assembly.
5. Disconnect the radiator and heater hoses. Remove radiator.
6. Disconnect the vacuum lines from the intake manifold.
7. Remove the distributor cap and wiring.
8. Disconnect the accelerator linkage.
9. Remove throttle body.
10. Perform the Fuel System Pressure Release procedure.
11. Disconnect the starter wires.
12. Disconnect the oil pressure wire.
13. Discharge the air conditioning system, if equipped.
14. Disconnect the air conditioning hoses.
15. Disconnect the power steering hoses, if equipped.
16. Remove starter motor.
17. Remove the generator.
18. Raise and support the vehicle on a hoist.
19. Disconnect exhaust pipe at manifolds.
20. Remove transmission.

CAUTION: DO NOT lift the engine by the intake manifold.

21. Install an engine lifting fixture.
22. 2WD VEHICLES-Remove engine front mount bolts.
23. 4WD VEHICLES-The engine and front driving axle (engine/axle/transmission) are connected through insulators and support brackets. Separate the engine as follows:
- LEFT SIDE-Remove 2 bolts attaching (engine/ pinion nose/transmission) bracket to transmission bell housing. Remove 2 bracket to pinion nose adapter bolts. Separate engine from insulator by removing upper nut washer assembly and bolt from engine support bracket.
- RIGHT SIDE-Remove 2 bracket to axle (disconnect housing) bolts and 1 bracket to bell housing bolt. Separate engine from insulator by removing upper nut washer assembly and bolt from engine support bracket.
24. Lower the vehicle.
25. On automatic transmission vehicles, disconnect the engine from the torque converter drive plate. On manual transmission vehicles, move engine forward until drive pinion shaft clears the clutch disc. Remove engine from engine compartment.
26. Install engine assembly on engine repair stand.

1. Remove engine from the repair stand and position in the engine compartment.
2. Install an engine support fixture.
3. Raise and support the vehicle on a hoist.
4. Install transmission.
5. Install the front engine mounts.
6. Install exhaust pipe to manifold.
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Remove engine lifting fixture.
9. Install the generator.
10. Install starter motor.
11. Connect power steering hoses, if equipped.
12. Connect air conditioning hoses.
13. Evacuate and charge the air conditioning system, if equipped.
14. Using a new gasket, install throttle body.
15. Connect the accelerator linkage.
16. Connect the starter wires.
17. Connect the oil pressure sensor wire.
18. Install the distributor cap and wiring.
19. Connect the vacuum lines.
20. Connect the fuel supply line.
21. Install the radiator. Connect the radiator hoses and heater hoses.
22. Install fan shroud in position.
23. Fill cooling system
24. Install the air cleaner, resonator assembly and air in-let hose. Tighten clamps to 4 Nm (35 in. lbs.).
25. Install the battery.
26. Warm engine and adjust.
27. Install hood and line up with the scribe marks.
28. Road test vehicle.