Heater and Air Conditioning
HEATING & AIR CONDITIONINGCooling System Requirements
To maintain the performance level of the HVAC system, the engine cooling system must be properly maintained. The use of a bug screen is not recommended. Any obstructions in front of the radiator or condenser will reduce the performance of the air conditioning and engine cooling systems.
The engine cooling system includes the heater core and the heater hoses. Refer to Cooling for more information before the opening of, or attempting any service to the engine cooling system.
Refrigerant System Service Ports
The two refrigerant system service ports are used to charge, recover/recycle, evacuate, and test the air conditioning refrigerant system. Unique service port coupler sizes are used on the R-134a system, to ensure that the refrigerant system is not accidentally contaminated by the use of the wrong refrigerant (R-12), or refrigerant system service equipment.
The high pressure service port is located on the liquid line between the condenser and the evaporator, near the front of the engine compartment. The low pressure service port is located on the compressor manifold, directly over the suction port of the compressor, for 5.9L Engine. It is on the suction line between the compressor and the evaporator for the 4.7L engine.
Each of the service ports has a threaded plastic protective cap installed over it from the factory. After servicing the refrigerant system, always reinstall both of the service port caps.